Humanitarian Scholarship

The Minnesota Surgical Society, a chapter of the American College of Surgeons, will offer up to $2000 each year for humanitarian surgical efforts.

Who is eligible?

  • General Surgery residents (from Hennepin County Medical Center, the University of Minnesota, and the Mayo Clinic)
  • Senior medical students (from the University of Minnesota and the Mayo Clinic). Students must be on a surgical track for example heading into a surgical residency program.
  • Must be participating in an international surgical elective in a resource poor setting.

Scholarship Amounts

Between two and four $500 to $1,000 dollar scholarships (not exceeding a total of $2000 in any calendar year) will be made available annually.

How to Apply?

  • Interested applicants must complete an application – click here for the online form
  • All applications are due on August 1, 2016.
  • The MSS Executive Committee will review each applicant at their Council Meeting at the Fall Conference.

Items needed to complete application

  • Residents and senior medical students interested in applying for this scholarship should compose a 500-word description of the elective itself, their motivation for participation, and how they expect it to influence their future in surgery.
  • In addition to the narrative description, the applicant should provide a brief expense list to show how the scholarship will help defray the cost of the trip. Preference will be given to more senior trainees and those with electives that are one month in duration or longer.
  • However, all interested residents and students should apply regardless of their surgical experience or the length of the elective.
  • Residents selected for the scholarship will be expected to give a 5-minute presentation at the next MSS meeting detailing their humanitarian trip and their surgical education.

